
  • International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

    International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (IJETI), ISSN 2223-5329 (Print), ISSN 2226-809X (Online), is an international, multidiscipline, open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, published quarterly for researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the field of engineering and technology innovation. The official abbreviated title is Int. j. eng. technol. innov.

    IJETI is indexed by: 



    Under evaluation of SCI.


  • Advances in Technology Innovation

    Advances in Technology Innovation (AITI), ISSN 2518-2994 (Online), ISSN 2415-0436 (Print), is an international, multidiscipline, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The official abbreviated title is Adv. technol. innov. It is dedicated to providing a platform for fast communication between the newest research works on the innovations of Technology & Engineering. 

    AITI is indexed by:


     Under evaluation of SCI, EI(Compendex), INSPEC, etc.


  • Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation

    Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation (PETI), ISSN 2518-833X (Online), ISSN 2413-7146 (Print), is an international, multidiscipline, open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, and dedicated to providing a fast publishing platform for researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the field of technology innovation. The officially abbreviated title is Proc. eng. technol. innov. It is published by Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation.

    PETI is indexed by:


    Under evaluation of SCI(E), Compendix(EI), INSPEC, etc.


  • Emerging Science Innovation

    Emerging Science Innovation (EMSI), ISSN 3005-2084, is an international, multidiscipline, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. It is dedicated to providing a platform for fast communication between emerging studies on Science innovations. A paper will be online shortly once it is accepted and typeset. Currently, there is no publication charge, including article processing, editorial processing, submission, page, color charges, etc. EMSI is an open access journal which means that all contents are freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. The officially abbreviated title is Emerg. sci. innov. It is published by Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation.

    EMSI is indexed by: