Innovative Security Technology for Optical Fiber Data Transmission Using Optical Vortex


  • Marek Zyczkowski Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland
  • Konrad Dominik Brewczynski Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland
  • Mateusz Karol Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, Poland


optical vortex, fiber optic, safe communication


This article presents system concept of the use of an optical vortex phenomenon for secure data exchange in the optical fiber line. Optical vortices are obtained in free space, and then they are introduced into the optical fiber. Their properties are examined in the world [1-2], so far, which directly shows the ability to increase the bandwidth of optical fiber. Given the structure and characteristics of the optical vortex, the authors propose to set a secure optical link. Such link can be provided in two ways.

The first method involves coding an information on optical vortex. The data in the optical fiber line can be coded by time-position modeling of the optical properties of the vortex. In addition, changing the topology of the optical vortex and the use of mode dependencies also offer the possibility of information coding.

The second way to use the vortex in the optical fiber is setting of optical fiber sensor, sensitive to the disturbance of fiber-optic transmission line. It can be achieved by propagation both - coded information in basic mode and an optical vortex in a microstructural fiber. In the case of physical impact on optical fiber the vortex disturbs the flow of data, forming the information noise on the output of the fiber.

The article presents the setup of the generation of optical vortex, for the telecommunications bandwidth, developed at the Institute of Optoelectronics, in the Security Systems Group and initial tests of the setup


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How to Cite

M. Zyczkowski, K. D. Brewczynski, and M. Karol, “Innovative Security Technology for Optical Fiber Data Transmission Using Optical Vortex”, Proc. eng. technol. innov., vol. 5, pp. 1–6, Aug. 2017.


