Mixed Noise Removal by Processing of Patches
speckle, patches, blind denoising, blocksAbstract
Sonar images are degraded by mixed noise which has an adverse impact on detection and classification of underwater objects. Existing denoising methods of sonar images remove either additive noise or multiplicative noise. In this study, the mixed noise in sonar images, the additive Gaussian noise and the multiplicative speckle effect are handled by the data adaptive methods. A patch based denoising is applied in two phases to remove the additive Gaussian and multiplicative speckle noises. In the first phase, the adaptive processing of local patches is used to remove the additive Gaussian noise by exploiting the sonar image local sparsity. The PCA and SVD methods are used for denoising the noisy image patches and blocks of patches. In the second phase, the weighted maximum likelihood denoising of the nonlocal patches reduces the speckle effect by exploiting the non-local similarity in a probability distribution. Experiments on side scan sonar images are conducted and the results show the importance of removing both the additive and multiplicative components from the sonar images.
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