Free Vibration of Thick FGM Plates under TSDT and Thermal Environment
TSDT, FGM, frequency, nonlinear, homogeneousAbstract
Three parameters of thermal environment, varied calculated shear correction, and third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT) of displacement are important in the frequency study. These three effects have been studied on the non-dimensional and dimensional frequencies of thick FGM plates. An additional c1 displacement term in nonlinear coefficient of TSDT is used to present the frequency of vibration into the simply homogeneous equation of thick FGM plates. The determinant of the coefficient matrix containing the c1 displacement term in dynamic differential equilibrium equations can be derived into the five degree polynomial free vibration equation. The non-dimensional and dimensional of natural frequency can be obtained. The effects of plate thickness, temperature of environment and power law index of FGM on the non-dimensional and dimensional frequency of FGM plates are investigated.
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