Optimization of Multi-Band Characteristics in Fan-Stub Shaped Patch Antenna for LTE (CBRS) and WLAN Bands
return loss S11, VSWR, CBRS band, LTE-43/LTE-48 band, WLAN, fan-stub, dielectric constantAbstract
This study aims to optimize a fan-stub slot patch to get better suitability and performance for Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). The transition from the tedious configuration of slotted patch antenna in fan-stub shape is evaluated. Also, the impact of stub width W, stub length L, and its orientation are tested. Multiple simulation tests ensure the uniqueness in the type of slots or stubs that affect the multiband nature of patch. The optimization of basic fan-stub structure on return loss S11, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), and the operating band at the desired frequency is performed to accommodate the federal and non-federal use of the band. The simulation results show that the designed antenna is technically suitable to cover 4G LTE in CBRS (LTE-43 and LTE-48 band) as well as 5.5 GHz Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) band of operation.
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