Maritime Computing Transportation, Environment, and Development: Trends of Data Visualization and Computational Methodologies
maritime computing, management technology, modelingAbstract
This research aims to characterize the field of maritime computing (MC) transportation, environment, and development. It is the first report to discover how MC domain configurations support management technologies. An aspect of this research is the creation of drivers of ocean-based businesses. Systematic search and meta-analysis are employed to classify and define the MC domain. MC developments were first identified in the 1990s, representing maritime development for designing sailboats, submarines, and ship hydrodynamics. The maritime environment is simulated to predict emission reductions, coastal waste particles, renewable energy, and engineer robots to observe the ocean ecosystem. Maritime transportation focuses on optimizing ship speed, maneuvering ships, and using liquefied natural gas and submarine pipelines. Data trends with machine learning can be obtained by collecting a big data of similar computational results for implementing artificial intelligence strategies. Research findings show that modeling is an essential skill set in the 21st century.
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