Assessing the Performance of Melted Plastic as a Replacement for Sand in Paving Block
compressive strength, composite paving block, plastic melter, water absorption, wear resistanceAbstract
Plastic waste generates numerous environmental problems, such as garbage accumulation and plastic waste pollution in the oceans. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of melted plastic waste as a substitute material in paving blocks. The melted low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic is used as the cemented agent in the paving block. After melting, the melted LDPE plastic is mixed thoroughly with sand immediately and forms a paving block mold. The effectiveness of melted plastic as a bonding agent is evaluated based on the parameters of compressive strength, water absorption, and wear resistance. The results show that paving blocks with a melted plastic of 10% reach the required level of 9.39 MPa for the park. Hence, using melted plastic in paving blocks can be an alternative strategy to reduce plastic waste.
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