Zinc Sulfide Buffer Layer for CIGS Solar Cells Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition
ZnS, buffer layer, chemical bath deposition, thin film solar cells, optical propertyAbstract
In this study, ZnS thin films were successfully synthesized by chemical bath deposition (CBD) with starting materials of NH2-NH2, SC(NH2)2, and ZnSO4‧7H2O. ZnS thin films were deposited with different time on glass substrates by CBD at 80oC and pH=9. Based on X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, it is found that the ZnS thin films exhibit cubic polycrystalline phase. It was found that the optimum deposition time is 90 min for preparing ZnS thin film that is suitable as buffer layer for CuIn1-xGaxSe2 solar cells. The thin film deposited for 90 min has high transmittance up to 80% in the spectra range from 350 nm to 800 nm, and the optical band gap is about 3.59 eV.References
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