Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of RC Deep Beam Using CDP Model
nonlinear finite element, reinforced concrete deep beam, concrete damage plasticity, abaqusAbstract
Finite element analysis (FEA) is widely adopted these days to investigate relatively heavy structures such as reinforced concrete (RC) deep beam, which requires a higher investment of resources. This research aims to investigate a numerical modeling technique applicable to study the nonlinear behavior of RC deep beams by using FEA based on the software, ABAQUS. The nonlinear behavior of an RC deep beam adapted from an earlier research work is captured by using the uniaxial compressive and tensile stress-strain relationship and damage parameters of concrete. The response of the FE model is verified with the experimental results in terms of the load to midspan deflection curve and damage distribution. The ultimate shear capacity predicted by the FE model is 0.75% lower, and the corresponding displacement is 6.92% higher than the experimental results. The adopted modeling technique and the constitutive concrete models demonstrate the promising results indicating its possibilities for the investigation of RC structures.
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