Outdoor Thermal Comfort Improvement of Campus Public Space
outdoor public space, thermal comfort, physical equivalent temperature, design alternativeAbstract
This study focuses on the design of a campus public space, located within the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. This area faces extreme temperatures, creating uncomfortable outdoor thermal conditions and hindering activities that are expected to support the learning and social cohesion needs of students. To create the best conditions in this space, three design alternatives such as adding a pond, large trees, or shrubs were considered, and the Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET) was used to calculate the outdoor thermal comfort index for each alternative. The alternatives were then compared to the base case. The PET can be calculated using the ENVI-met simulation software following the appropriate field data collection and calibration process. The results showed that adding large trees in the south-west area is the best design alternative. The PET for this alternative was 3.17 % lower than the base case. In addition, this design workflow is an effective working model for further outdoor public space designs to meet the constraints of effective sustainable development in any tropical campus area.
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