Development of a Small Intelligent Weather Station for Agricultural Applications
weather box, rainfall, frosting, lightning, early warningAbstract
It is known that climate change causes a decrease in the profit gained from agricultural production. This work designs and establishes weather boxes equipped with functions of rainfall prediction, frosting forecast, and lightning detection. With the wireless connection and the build-in decision mode, weather boxes can deliver early-warning by sending texting messages to the users and actuating the corresponding action to response the extreme climate. To implement rainfall and frosting prognostication, two different datasets are analyzed by the technology of data mining. One of the datasets is acquired from the Central Weather Bureau, and the other is from the proposed weather box monitoring the agricultural environment. From the experimental results, the prediction model constructed from the data which is collected by the proposed weather box exhibits a higher accuracy in rainfall forecasting than those based on the Central Weather Bureau.
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AS3935: Franklin Lightning Sensor IC,
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