Defining Effective Gain for Evaluation of Orbital Angular Momentum Links
circular array antenna, effective OAM gain, helical phase front, orbital angular momentum, OAM linkAbstract
In this paper, a communication link based on circular phased array antennas generating orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams at radio frequency is investigated. The presence of a null in the radiation pattern of OAM antennas is the main drawback of them. This problem makes it difficult to establish a telecommunication link using OAM systems and calculate the link budget for such a system. To solve this problem, we have defined two new gain parameters by using Friis Transmission Equation. The new formulas can help to calculate the effective gain of OAM antennas. Also, we have defined the effective OAM gain in detail for the first time in order to evaluate the performance of the OAM links. By using the proposed formulas, a capable and secure link based on the orthogonality of OAM beams can be designed.
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