An Integrated Approach towards Efficient Image Classification Using Deep CNN with Transfer Learning and PCA
dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, image recognition, PCA, transfer learningAbstract
In image processing, developing efficient, automated, and accurate techniques to classify images with varying intensity level, resolution, aspect ratio, orientation, contrast, sharpness, etc. is a challenging task. This study presents an integrated approach for image classification by employing transfer learning for feature selection and using principal component analysis (PCA) for feature reduction. The PCA algorithm is employed for reducing the dimensionality of the features extracted by the VGG16 model to obtain a handful of features for speeding up image reorganization. For multilayer perceptron classifiers, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) algorithms are used. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with other classifiers. The experimental results establish the supremacy of the VGG16-PCA-Multilayer perceptron model integrated approach and achieve a reorganization accuracy of 91.145%, 95.0%, 92.33%, and 98.59% on Fashion-MNIST dataset, ORL dataset of faces, corn leaf disease dataset, and rice leaf disease datasets, respectively.
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