Development of a New Ground Motion Model for a Peninsular Indian Rock Site
ground motion model, anelastic attenuation factor, high-frequency decay parameter, stress-dropAbstract
The ground motion model (GMM) plays a vital role in the generation of seismic design basis ground motion parameters. Even though many intra-plate GMMs are available, very few of them are based on Peninsular India (PI) region-specific seismological parameters. Hence, it is imperative to develop a GMM using seismological parameters derived from earthquakes in the Peninsular Indian region. In this study, a new GMM is developed for a PI rock site. Due to the scarcity of real earthquakes, artificial earthquake records are simulated to generate a new GMM for PI. The accelerograms of these artificial earthquakes are obtained from the stochastic finite fault simulation technique. Region-specific seismological parameters are obtained from the available PI earthquakes. The generated GMM is compared with other intra-plate GMMs for different earthquake magnitudes. Also, the generated GMM is validated with the Koyna earthquake record and it is observed that the GMM’s predictions are closer to the record.
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