Robust Control of Delayed Fin Stabilizer Stochastic Systems of a Ship
LPV system, stochastic behavior, LMI, fin stabilizer system of a shipAbstract
In this paper, the robust control problem of delayed fin stabilizer stochastic system of a ship with uncertainty is discussed and investigated. To describe the system, Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) modelling approach and multiplicative noise term are used to establish the corresponding polynomial model. For simulating the general operating environment, the delay effect is considered as time-varying case. Moreover, the gain-scheduled control scheme is employed to discuss the delay-dependent stabilization problem and to design the corresponding controller. Moreover, a novel Lyapunov-Kravoskii function is proposed by using parameter-dependent matrix and integral Lyapunov function to reduce the conservatism of the derived stability conditions. In order to apply the convex optimization algorithm, the derived conditions are converted into Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) form. By solving the conditions, some feasible solutions can be obtained to establish the controller to guarantee robust stability of the delayed fin stabilizer stochastic system of a ship in the mean square.
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