Hybrid Speed Controller Design Based on Sliding Mode Controller Performance Study for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives
sliding mode control, hybrid controller, induction motor, Matlab/SimulinkAbstract
The discontinuous control of the sliding mode control (SMC) law causes chattering phenomenon in system trajectories (the oscillation around the desired value), which results in various unwanted effects such as current harmonics and torque ripples. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the performance of a sliding mode speed controller for a three-phase induction motor (IM) controlled by a rotor flux orientation technique to obtain optimum performance. The study results show that the experimental control gains found in the control law have a clear effect on limiting chattering and the system response speed. According to the study results, a hybrid controller is designed based on the fuzzy logic control (FLC) approach to optimally tune these gains. The designed hybrid controller is verified by experimental approximation of simulations using Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results show that the hybrid controller reduces the chattering phenomenon and improves the system’s dynamic performance.
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