Synthesis of Formation Control Systems for Multi-Agent Systems under Control Gain Perturbations
multi-agent systems (MASs), consensus, control gain perturbations, guaranteed cost control, LMIsAbstract
This paper proposed a linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based design method of non-fragile guaranteed cost controllers for multi-agent systems (MASs) with leader-follower structures. In the guaranteed cost control approach, the resultant controller guarantees an upper bound on the given cost function together with asymptotical stability for the closed-loop system. The proposed non-fragile guaranteed cost control system can achieve consensus for MASs despite control gain perturbations. The goal is to develop an LMI-based sufficient condition for the existence of the proposed non-fragile guaranteed cost controller. Moreover, a design problem of an optimal non-fragile guaranteed cost controller showe that minimizing an upper bound on the given quadratic cost function can be reduced to constrain a convex optimization problem. Finally, numerical examples were given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed non-fragile controller for MASs.
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