Dynamic Biometric Signature - an Effective Alternative for Electronic Authentication
biometric authentication methods, dynamic biometric signature, electronic signature, authenticationAbstract
The use of dynamic biometric methods for the authentication of people provides significantly greater security than the use of the static ones. The variance of individual dynamic properties of a person, which protects biometric methods against attacks, can be the weak point of these methods at the same time.
This paper summarizes the results of a long-term research, which shows that a DBS demonstrates practically absolute resistance to forging and that the stability of signatures provided by test subjects in various situations is high. Factors such as alcohol and stress have no influence on signature stability, either. The results of the experiments showed that the handwritten signature obtained through long practice and the consolidation of the dynamic stereotype, is so automated and stored so deep in the human brain, that its involuntary performance also allows other processes to take place in the cerebral cortex. The dynamic stereotype is composed of psychological, anatomical and motor characteristics of each person. It was also proven to be true that the use of different devices did not have a major impact on the stability of signatures, which is of importance in the case of a blanket deployment.
The carried out experiments conclusively showed that the aspects that could have an impact on the stability of a signature did not manifest themselves in such a way that we could not trust these methods even used on commercially available devices. In the conclusion of the paper, the possible directions of research are suggested.
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