Low Access Latency and High Throughput for Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Using Mobility Caching Placement Strategy
full-duplex cognitive radio, latency, mobility caching placement strategy, self-residual suppressionAbstract
In a remote framework, the densely allotted radio range is not effectively utilized by an authorized primary user, which limits a secondary user to avoid disturbance to a primary user while utilizing a channel. To solve the shortage problem of accessible range, this study proposes a mobility caching placement strategy (MCPS) based sliding window scheme to optimize the latency and throughput of cognitive radio system. The performance parameters of the proposed system are analyzed using energy detection metrics by considering full-duplex communication. By the MATLAB analysis and the evaluation with and without self-interference suppression, the results demonstrate that the entrance inactivity of the MCPS based sliding window is diminished by a factor of 1.9 as contrasted with the existing full-duplex systems. With the improved latency and throughput, the proposed method can avoid the ruinous impacts of drawn-out self-residual suppression more effectively compared to the existing approaches.
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