Effect of Volute Collector on the Performance of Centrifugal Pump Based on Entropy Generation Analysis
centrifugal pump, entropy production, energy loss, volute collectorAbstract
A proper design of centrifugal pumps reduces power loss and improves efficiency. This study aims to investigate and analyze the effect of different volute collector configurations on centrifugal pump performance. Locations of losses are detected using the entropy production rate, whereas the number of losses is evaluated using user-defined codes. Three volute collectors are selected based on their connections with standard pipes. A steady flow numerical analysis is performed to determine the performance parameters of the centrifugal pump and select a modified volute collector design. Comparing the results of experiments on the base and modified volute collectors confirmed that the proper design of the volute collector can help reduce the secondary flow losses at subsequent locations, which reduces the entropy production and losses. As compared to the base pump, the modified volute collector improved the pump efficiency by 3% at the duty flow.
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