Impact of DFIG in Wind Energy Conversion System for Grid Disturbances
vector control, PWM, voltage sag, voltage swellsAbstract
In this work, a grid-connected DoublyFed Induction Generator (DFIG) is studied for the transient and steady response. The vector control technique controls the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of both the back-to-back converters interfacing rotor to the grid. Reactive power supply and DC bus voltage are managed by the grid-side inverter. Active power and rotor angular speed are adjusted by the machine side inverter facilitating power generation for varying wind. The effect of voltage and frequency deviation from the grid on the control is observed. The controllers are found to work satisfactorily except for large frequency variation. The current harmonics are also within the allowed limit. The proposed controllers are expected to satisfy the revised grid code for wind energy.
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