Enhancing Security Levels at ISP Server Using Multiple Security Techniques with Proposed Crypo Application
Attribute Based Encryption (ABE), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Cipher Policy, Crypo - Proposed application name, Internet Service Provider (ISP).Abstract
The internet is widely used in computing. Security is an important aspect when the quality of service is evaluated and current security possesses high level encryption techniques. However, due to high data saturation and complexity, it is not enough for, only to rely on the common security techniques. In this paper, proposed application named Crypo is installed at both ends, including user and Internet Service Provider (ISP). User can connect to the public internet through providing credentials. Both ends work with same cryptographic techniques and logics. Crypo includes the existing security techniques with proposed logics. Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) is applied to user credentials. Cipher policy applies to data exchange between user and Internet Service Provider (ISP) to form a combined cipher data. Proposed logic is further applied to the binary formatted cipher data. According to proposed logic, the final encrypted binary formatted data are further applied with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to deliver it to the ISP. Decryption is done by the same logic applied to the sender side or vice versa. When data is retrieved by ISP from its end user, it is decrypted by the ISP after which is delivered to the public network in normal format. Four level security keeps the data and user credentials confidential. Intruders or hackers can’t reach to the end user without decrypting the secured data at ISP. While delivering encrypted data, applied logic name is also delivered so that end users can decrypt data using the same logic. By using proposed application Crypo, a secure connection is established between the end user and the ISP. An outsider cannot cause threat to the ISP’s users. Proposed multilevel cryptographic approach enhances the security.
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